Thursday, October 17, 2013

In case of boredom:

This post is adapted from my diary. It is my In Case Of Boredom plan for when I am at home and after I have finished my schoolwork. Here is the list. Note: this isn't in any particular order, I just came up with these activities off the top of my head.

                                In Case Of Boredom: 
1. Don't panic. :) Thank you, I know this sounds like The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
2. Look up interesting math stuff on Wikipedia. 
3. Find pictures of cute animals (also on Wikipedia.)
4. Bake or cook a dessert. 
5. Sit down in comfy chair with blanket, good book, and candy.
6. Find cool words--palindromes, long ones that don't repeat letters, like ortanique (a cross between an orange and a tangerine), and words that spell different words when you spell them backwards, like live and evil, and portmanteaux, which are words that are blended together, like smog (smoke and fog).
7. Watch a funny TV show.
8. Write in diary.
9. Ask Mommy if we can go to the skatepark. 
10. Play Minecraft.
11. Give self a spa treatment.
12. Listen to music and read book.

Of course, I could always do this when I'm NOT bored, but it's good to have an emergency plan. In my house, boredom is the "b-word", and if someone says, "I'm bored," they will immediately have to do a chore. Which gives you something to do, but still, I'd rather have a fun boredom buster.

If you have an In Case Of Boredom plan, I would love to know about it! Just type part (or all) of it in the comment box.


  1. Sometimes boredom hits in the middle of something that you can't stop doing, like a long car ride or a class. In the car, I will play a counting cars game, in class, I might doodle.

  2. Sometimes when I'm bored, I take a nap! Just kidding. I also like to read, cook, go to the gym, or play with my cat. I also like to knit.
