Thursday, December 26, 2013

Adventures of Kayla and Flu, #1: Snack Time

This post was inspired by the blog My Milk Toof, a blog that tells stories using pictures and words. It's really cool. I hope you click on the link because it is one of the cutest blogs EVER. In the meantime, here are Kayla and Flu. Drumroll, please! Hope you enjoy it.

Kayla: Hey Flu, are you hungry? I could eat a moose.
Flu: Yeah. Me too. Hey, I know what we can eat!
Kayla: What?
Flu: Peanut butter crackers from Trader Joe's!
Kayla: Do we have those?
Flu: Uhhh.....[scans room]yup! Right there! [walks over to crackers]

Kayla: Oh. Okay. Yum! 
Flu: I'll pour the crackers for you.
Kayla: Aw, thanks, Flu.

Flu: Peanut butter crackers are the BEST.

Merry Christmas

Hi everyone! How was your Christmas? Did you get what you wanted? What was your favorite present? Where were you when you celebrated? You can tell me all about it in the comment box. 

For Christmas, I got:

  • A GIANTmicrobe (the flu) 
  • A Swiss Army knife
  • A pack of 24 scented gel pens
  • 2 thingies of flavored lip balm (one from my aunt, one from my grandparents)
  • A necklace
  • 4 bracelets
  • A cute t-shirt with macarons on it
  • A Tapefetti set
  • A Christmas-themed Rubik's Cube
  • 2 bars of chocolate+1 Toblerone
  • Cherry blossom body lotion and perfume
  • 2 makeup kits (1 from my parents, one from my aunt)
  • Brushes for makeup kits
  • Hair accessories for Kayla
  • Purple shoelaces with cupcakes on them (and that smell like cupcakes too =))
  • Milk straws with strawberry-flavored beads inside (you suck the milk through the straws and it absorbs the strawberry flavor)
  • Raspberry-vanilla cupcake gum
  • Rainbow Loom
and lots of other cool stuff. 

Happy holidays! Taryn

Monday, December 16, 2013

Finally, something about travel

For Christmas, Mommy, Daddy, Joy, and I are going to my paternal grandparents' house. They live all the way up in Minnesota. From where I live, that's a two-day drive! 

 Along with my awesome grandparents, 4/5 of my aunts and uncles live up there, too. Also one cousin. (The other aunt and uncle live in Massachusetts. With my other two cousins.) So I will be spending Christmas with most of my family! Yay!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Again, just another post

The only exciting thing that happened here is that we got snow. Yes, enough to go sledding. When Kathy and I went out, some one had built a jump on the hill, and Daddy wanted us to go over it.

I missed the jump a million and five times (okay, I'm exaggerating.) and Kathy missed a million and three (exaggerating again). But after a while we both went over! Here is a picture of me about to go down the hill: 

             And here's me and Kathy going up the hill.

I am sorry I have not been posting a lot about traveling. I'll try to come up with a good story, ok? 

Thanks for reading! Taryn

Friday, December 6, 2013

I'm sorry.

Ok readers, I'm sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately. Nothing worth posting about. It's rainy here, so I can't go to the skatepark. I "have to" write something instead of make spicy-peanut-and-coconut haystacks like I want to. Sigh. Also, I accidentally deleted my live from the car #2 post, so I'm mad a bout that, too. 

Just a post. Nothing special.

 I don't want to type a post right now but my mom is making me. I don't even know what to to write about! Does anyone have any suggestions? Anyone?