Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hi readers, sorry I haven't been writing lately. But anyway, our trip to Japan is right around the corner. And so far, these are the logistics:

  • Wake up at 4:00 a.m. to get to the airport two hours early before we fly another two hours to Michigan for a four-hour layover before the actual Japan flight. Total time traveled: eight hours
  • Fly twelve to fourteen hours to Japan. Total time traveled: sixteen to eighteen hours
I. Cannot. Be trapped. On a plane. FOR FOURTEEN HOURS! No fresh air! Teeny-tiny bathrooms with lights that only turn on if you lock the door! Practically no space to move! Aaaaaaaaaaaaack.....

(Sorry, Taryn has temporarily passed out from fear. I am her Fast-Acting Replicating Typer/Secretary, or FARTS. Can I get you a cup of coffee?) 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Be sure to wear a hooded sweatshirt. That way you can cocoon and hibernate most of the flight. Be sure to bring lots of books, movies, and music. One flight to Japan, I played video games the whole time!
