Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I'm back...

Hi readers! I got back from Japan...let's see...about a week ago. I'm sorry I haven't written since then. 

<twiddling thumbs>

What's that? You're tired of the suspense?

Okay, fine. I did survive the plane ride. I finally got to watch Muppets Most Wanted. The food was decent (every meal came with CHOCOLATE). The entertainment was all right--there was a fun trivia game, tons of movies, a flight tracker, and music to listen to. Landing was hard. I am one of those people whose ears hurt like crazy from the pressure change. Even when I'm chewing gum.

Our ginormous plane. Two levels. No, my family and I were on
the lower part.

We stayed in Tokyo, in the Shibuya neighborhood, the first few nights. We had a studio apartment with a deck and small bathroom. No fancy toilet. Yet. There was a big bed, a green couch that folded into a bed, and a closet with some mattresses that someone would have to sleep on.  
It was way cleaner before we got here. 0)__(0

Kathy and I even watched some Japanese TV. I liked the one where little were vegetables dancing and singing about (we think) a noodle shop.

One of my favorite Japanese candy was the Pocky--pretzel sticks dipped in melted chocolate or other coating. My favorite was, well, the chocolate type. You probably guessed.
Original chocolate Pocky (image from
That's all I really feel like writing right now...what are your plans for Thanksgiving? --Taryn

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