Friday, June 12, 2015

The all-new sarcastic fortune teller!

I was folding a fortune teller for Rascal to play with, but I did such a good job (nice folds, good creases, stuff like that) on it I decided...nah, I'll keep it, make it a real fortune teller. So I did!

<in big announcer voice> INtroducing...the BRAND-NEW SARCASTIC FORTUNE TELLER!

This fortune teller comes equipped with many sarcastic, yet fortune-teller-size answers, including "Sure, let's go with that", "Reply hazy, try--who am I kidding? NO", and "Today is Wednesday." Perfect for laughs at a party, a sleepover, or even just hanging around the house, you can even make one at home--for no additional expense! Write your sarcastic fortune teller answers in the comment box below. And be sure to subscribe to Taryn's Travels for more incredibly funny posts!

Now, an interview with the sarcastic Fortune Teller.

Taryn: Welcome to Taryn's Travels, Ms. Teller! I must ask...what plays a key role in your sarcasm?

Fortune Teller: Oh, totally.

Taryn: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Would you repeat that answer for me and the readers?

FT: Oh, totally.

Taryn: Okay then! Ahem. Next question: what is your home life like? 

FT: Let's not and say we did.

Taryn: Excellent! Do you have a pet?

FT: Duh.

Taryn: Wonderful! What type of animal?

FT: 100%!

Taryn: I've never heard of that species, but I'm sure it's lovely. What is its name?

FT: Today is Wednesday.

Taryn: And that concludes our interview with Ms. Fortune Teller! Thank you so much for your time. One last question...did you enjoy this interview?

FT: Reply hazy, try--who am I kidding? NO. 

I hate jet lag.

I hate jet lag.

CA is three hours behind VA, and it isn't bad the way Paris or Japan or Turkey jet lag is, but I'm still not falling asleep until midnight. And then feeling v-e-r-y l-a-z-y when I roll out of bed between 7:00 and 8:00. I mean, it's like 6:42 in CA when I'm writing this. 

Strange...when I woke up in CA most days, I felt like 6:00 was 9:00. 


Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Just got back from San Francisco about 6 hours ago. Left at 10:00 at night. Very, very confused. Too confused to write complete sentences. Hazy memories of touring Jelly Belly factory and walking around Muir Woods National Park. Nap at home only adding to confusion.

I hate flying.

Also, apparently if you title a blog post "<untitled>" it will actually be untiteled untitleed untitled. The original name of this post was "<untitled>".

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

New page

If you look up that way ^ you'll notice I've added a new page called "Where I've been"--it's a fully interactive map of where I've traveled. Click on one of the little icons to see the city name. If you want to zoom in or out, scroll with your mouse or use the plus and minus signs. If you want a better view, hit the icon in the upper right corner that looks like the corners of a rectangle.

Enjoy the map! --Taryn

Monday, June 1, 2015

Friends and homeschool

There is a myth that homeschoolers don't have friends, or that, when they have an opportunity to make friends, they can't.


I am homeschooled. I have many friends. It probably helps that I am in a Girl Scout troop and that I have several extracurriculars. (And yes, some are classes for homeschoolers only.)

But I also climb and make friends at the wall. I talk to people I've seen before at climbing comps. I talk to people I've seen in my homeschool classes who are on the playground nearby the "school".

I've heard how public-schoolers have friends who they mainly see at school. Then, when their friend(s) go to a different school, they stop seeing each other that often. Maybe their friendship breaks apart. That's scary

Being homeschooled, I don't have to worry about if my friends are at different schools--I'll see them anyway. And we can talk whenever we want to--no teacher to tell us to quiet down! (Well, we can't be disruptive during GS meetings. But I think my leaders are a lot less strict than public-school teachers.)

I'm going to go to middle school in the fall, but I'm not going to lose contact with my close friends. Actually, if I can help it, I'm not going to lose contact with any of my friends. 

Anyway, the main message here: Homeschoolers can make friends.