Friday, June 12, 2015

The all-new sarcastic fortune teller!

I was folding a fortune teller for Rascal to play with, but I did such a good job (nice folds, good creases, stuff like that) on it I decided...nah, I'll keep it, make it a real fortune teller. So I did!

<in big announcer voice> INtroducing...the BRAND-NEW SARCASTIC FORTUNE TELLER!

This fortune teller comes equipped with many sarcastic, yet fortune-teller-size answers, including "Sure, let's go with that", "Reply hazy, try--who am I kidding? NO", and "Today is Wednesday." Perfect for laughs at a party, a sleepover, or even just hanging around the house, you can even make one at home--for no additional expense! Write your sarcastic fortune teller answers in the comment box below. And be sure to subscribe to Taryn's Travels for more incredibly funny posts!

Now, an interview with the sarcastic Fortune Teller.

Taryn: Welcome to Taryn's Travels, Ms. Teller! I must ask...what plays a key role in your sarcasm?

Fortune Teller: Oh, totally.

Taryn: I'm sorry, I don't understand. Would you repeat that answer for me and the readers?

FT: Oh, totally.

Taryn: Okay then! Ahem. Next question: what is your home life like? 

FT: Let's not and say we did.

Taryn: Excellent! Do you have a pet?

FT: Duh.

Taryn: Wonderful! What type of animal?

FT: 100%!

Taryn: I've never heard of that species, but I'm sure it's lovely. What is its name?

FT: Today is Wednesday.

Taryn: And that concludes our interview with Ms. Fortune Teller! Thank you so much for your time. One last question...did you enjoy this interview?

FT: Reply hazy, try--who am I kidding? NO. 

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