Friday, March 21, 2014


Mommy, Kathy and I just finished watching Cosmos. It's a really cool show about our universe and the galaxies and life of any kind and so many other things.

My favorite part of the episode was when Neil deGrasse Tyson talked about how there's a theory that our universe is in a little "bubble", and how it might be floating in a sea of an infinite number of other universe "bubbles". If that's true, it would be amazing. All those other planets and suns. Maybe even life. There might be an alternate Taryn typing a post for her blog. Wow.


  1. sooo jealous that you get to see it now and we have to wait until it comes out on netflix or something!

    i have very high expectations for this series, as you know i am deeply attached to carl sagan's original series. does neil deliver as well as i hope he does?

  2. You don't have to wait! It is showing on Fox on Sundays at 8? 9? ish. But you could see it if you get channel 5 via old-school airwaves. It's really good!
