Monday, March 31, 2014

Texture Pack Review One: Persistence

Hi readers! I apologize for the lack of posts. 

Anyway, I'm reviewing a texture pack called Persistence (you can download it here.) The pack is compatible with the most recent version of Minecraft (1.7.4).

Here are some screenshots:
A sheep (love the big eyes!)

A cow

A pig (again, love the eyes!)

A chicken. It's not a very good picture. If I had a better one, you could see the eyes were super creepy.

My house

A chest, bookshelves, cake, and enchanting table.

An anvil, (not very visible) furnace, crafting table, brewing stand, and water.

The "Wall of Food" (if you're a Minecrafter, you'll notice the new fish have the same texture as usual)

And here are the screenshots of the default Minecraft look for comparison (I tried to put them in the same order as they were above, but Blogger was being stupid.):
The pig.
The sheep.
The chest, enchanting table, bookshelf, and cake.
The same furnace, anvil, crafting table, brewing stand, and water.
The bed

The cow

The chicken.
My house

The Wall of Food

Now for the review part. I liked how this pack gave the cows, sheep, and pigs adorable eyes. Also, it was really great because they changed the textures on the flowers, and a couple other packs didn't do that. But the armor texture hasn't changed, except for the boots, and the salmon, clownfish, and pufferfish didn't change either. The paintings look the same too. I think that could definitely be improved. 

The pack was good overall. But as I said earlier, it could be improved. My rating: four out of five stars.

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