Monday, June 10, 2013

Mostly Delicious Food In Amsterdam

I liked trying new foods in Amsterdam.
A box of the best chocolate sprinkles I ever tasted

They had chocolate sprinkles, called chocoladehagelslag. We call them "jimmies" at home. Chocoladehagelslag actually taste like chocolate. At home, jimmies are just waxy sugar sprinkles colored brown. Dutch people eat chocoladehagelslag on toast for breakfast. I liked that!

Also at breakfast, I tried yummy white cheese, whose flavor I can't describe. I call it "pepper cheese" in my head because I never found out its real name. It looks like it has bits of ground pepper in it. The Dutch eat this cheese on toast, too (although not with chocolate sprinkles!)

I enjoyed cookies called stroopwaffles. The "waffle" part is  
a thin sugar cookie made on a waffle iron. Then two waffles are squished together with a layer of caramel.  We always had some with us because they were easy to carry around and they made a good snack!

We wanted to try black licorice because we had heard it was good. When we finally found some in a grocery store, we thought, "Let's buy it!" It tasted like gummy molasses without the sugar. We were disappointed. I didn't like it that much. Neither did Kayla, Mommy, or Joy. Daddy didn't even try it! 
Delicious Dutch chocolates

On the other hand, Dutch chocolates are good--very good. In one chocolate shop, they served us our chocolates on little plates, and we sat down at a cafe table to eat them. Mommy drank an espresso with her chocolates. Joy and I had milk with ours. I had one that was flavored with green tea and lemongrass, and another that was chocolate and cinnamon. A lot of the chocolates I wanted to try had alcohol in them, though, so I couldn't eat them!  
More delicious Dutch chocolates

Lots of places sold a chocolate milk called Chocomel. That's yummy, too! It makes a good pick-me-up whenever you get tired. I had it at Keukenhof Gardens, Vondel Park, and with lunch while out and about. 

One night, we ate vlaamse frites -- Dutch for French fries -- for dinner! We had them with mayonnaise and Andalouse sauce, which is made with mayonnaise, ketchup or tomato paste, and spicy paprika. It was a good picnic dinner to eat along one of Amsterdam's many canals.

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