Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's mess around with the font! It'll be fun! Come on!

Since I have no idea what to write about, I am going to mess around with the font a bit. Sorry if this page gets hard to read.

Let's start with font sizes. Like this one. It's so tiny!

OK, this one is a little bigger, but not much.

Now we're talking...sort of.

Ooh, here's the one I usually type with.

Slightly too big! Slightly too big for me!

How about...typefaces. I think that's what they're called. You know, stuff like bold and italics and underline and strikethrough.  

That was fun. On to colors! Like this bright red.

Orange, orange, nothing really rhymes with you.

This yellow is so bright, it's almost invisible.

Taryn's Travels is not responsible for any medical things that occurred while reading this sentence. 

Wow. What IS it with computers and neon?

Ah, this is better. Wonderful, calming indigo. 

Peter picked plenty purple plums and peppers. Or something like that.

Neon again. AGAIN!

Whew, I never thought I'd be more thankful to see black. I could use all the font colors, but that would take a LONG time.  Oh, I know! I'll do the highlighters next. Yup, you guessed it. I'm starting with red.

Ok...what should I do for orange?

Yellow time! Hey, this one isn't almost invisible.

You know, I think the black makes the colors seem darker. What about you?

I knew it! Whoo-hoo! No more headache-inducing neon!

Man, this is hard to read. The black font definitely makes it darker.

Well, maybe not that hard. I dunno.

Great. This one is just like the orange:can't figure out what to type.

Again, I could use all the colors, but that would take up to much space. Thank you for reading this special edition of Taryn's Travels.