Friday, January 10, 2014


I don't know if I've said this before, but Kathy and I are homeschooled. 

We are smart. We have lots of friends. We do not stay at home all day, and we don't do whatever we want at home. We get in trouble for not doing work, and we are supposed to be in bed by 10:00. (That sounds late, but I come from a family of sort-of-night-owls, and Kathy and I still have to wake up by 9. Ok, maybe that sounds late too.)

My subjects are:  
  • Math 
  • Touch-typing
  • French
  • Creative writing (blogging)
  • Computer science
  • Reading (but this is something I'd do anyway)  
  • Japanese
It might not sound like a lot, and since most of the time I usually don't do all of it because we're busy, I do it every day, including the weekends. And some holidays, like Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. We don't get things like winter break, either.

Kathy's subjects are:

  • Math
  • Touch-typing
  • French
  • Spelling
  • Writing
  • Computer science 
  • Reading (but she loves this, so it's not something Mommy has to make her do)
  • Japanese
What I love about being homeschooled is that I can do my work at home, with my mom and the cats in my pjs. On winter days, we light a log in the fireplace, turn on Christmas music, and eat breakfast and do schoolwork down in the living room in front of the fire. I can choose my own subjects (most of the time, math is essential) and work at my own pace. I can eat fresh grilled cheese for lunch and I don't have to ask to go to the bathroom. It's really wonderful being homeschooled. 

I am not criticizing public schools. I just want everyone to know that I am homeschooled, and I am proud of it. Taryn


  1. Lucky! Aunt Yvonne doesn't let me listen to Christmas music after December 25. --Uncle H

  2. i am so glad to hear your perspective of your life. it reminds me so much of what i loved about homeschooling with diana.

    you write succinctly, clearly, and with purpose. i love your blog, and being able to write about you on my blog, and pretty much just knowing you! :)
