Hello, readers! I know, I know, too many February birthdays. But today, it's Mommy's birthday, and this is a gift for her. She's forty! Yay!
Oh, it's also President's Day. The public-schooled kids are supposed to get a holiday, but where I live, they've had so many snow days they have to go to school today.
Wow. My town hasn't gotten this much snow since the last Winter Olympics. Hey! Maybe they're a good luck charm!
In case you were wondering, I gave Mommy a homemade infinity scarf, Kathy, Daddy, and I gave her a Macbook Pro, (well, okay, Daddy bought it) and the cats gave her two poop bags. =) We also ate cheesecake for breakfast.
I loved the cheesecake for breakfast. It is a good thing, though, that I only have one birthday a year.