Thursday, February 20, 2014

What I would do in the Winter Olympics

Hello, readers! Mommy gave me another writing prompt. This time, it's which sport I would do in the Winter Olympics. And also what I think it would feel like to win Olympic gold.

If I competed in the Winter Olympics, I would like to compete in slopestyle snowboarding. 

I think this would be what I think before, during, and after my race:

I'm at the starting line. My biggest rival has just gone down the course. The reporters are saying it was the best run they've seen so far from anyone today. I know I have to do better than her.

The buzzer goes off, signaling that I can start. As I go down the hill, I leap up on a rail and turn 90 degrees. I'm now going on the rail with my board perpendicular to it--backwards. When the rail ends, I rotate 270 degrees around so I'm heading down the hill with my best foot forward.

The first big jump approaches. I fly over it, and in the air, I pull off a double backflip, while holding both ends of my board. It's a fun and easy trick. Good for warming up.

I stick my landing and approach the second jump. Grabbing the front end of my board, I do a single front flip, and when I come out of it, I add a 540 twist.  I nail the landing and hear the commentators talking about how hard a front flip is but I can't concentrate on them right now.

I do a few more jumps and tricks, but the last one is the hardest: a 1080 backflip corkscrew. I'm scared. Then I look at the jump ahead, picture myself landing it, and suddenly the butterflies in my stomach vanish. 

The jump is closer now. I launch myself over it. Lean into the backflip. Upside down, I spin 1...2...3 times. Then go back to right-side-up. And stick my landing.

The crowd goes wild as I cross the finish line. I scream happily, knowing it was an awesome run. The judges give me an excellent score. I wasn't the last to compete, but one of the commentators say that I won't be beaten.

I end up winning the gold, and getting the highest score ever recorded for slopestyle. 

Standing up there on the podium feels amazing. I hold up my gold medal, and the crowds cheer. They love me. I love them too. 

I see my family in the crowd. Mommy is crying because she's so happy. Daddy and Kathy are cheering. I wave to them. Everybody waves back.

That night, I sleep better than I ever remember, clutching my medal. And I dream of doing that all again.


Which sport would you compete in? Tell me in the comment box. --Taryn

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