Monday, February 10, 2014


Have you ever been to a sleepover? Maybe you and a friend stayed up until sunrise for a movie marathon, given each other mani-pedis, played board games in the quiet of the living room while snacking on microwave s'mores? If so, I am very happy for you. I have never done anything like that. 

For example, with the movies: I can't stay up the entire night. Also, Mommy makes me and my guest get in bed by eleven p.m. Argh!

But sleepovers are still fun. 

The first ones I ever had was with my bestie Zelda. Minecraft and/or a movie was always involved, and often dessert. Kathy's friend Maria would generally come over on the same night when my family hosted, and we would argue over who got the computers first. 

Once, Zelda made a...unique sundae, adding so many sprinkles that it turned a disgusting green. Nobody wanted to even take a bite because it was so horrible-looking, and the ice cream was all melted anyway. 

                     <photo of gross sundae should be inserted here>

I am now having sleepovers with my friend Di. When I go over to her house, we play games on the computers forever (usually Minecraft, and most recently, Animal Jam. No complaints there), taking short breaks to eat dinner. After her little brother has gone to bed, the two of us head upstairs to watch Doctor Who with Miss Dawn. When that's over, Di and I walk up to her bedroom, with barely enough energy to change into our pj's and brush our teeth. 

Ah, that's always fun.


  1. ooh, don't forget about stuffies fashion show!

    we always love having you here, you know. you have a genuine, welcoming way about you that makes you so nice to be around.

    one of my very favorite things about sleepovers is waking up, bleary-eyed, and remembering that i have a very dear friend to play with even before i get out of my jammies!

  2. My most memorable sleepover from being young was when there was a tornado siren in the middle of the night. I was at my cousin's house and she woke me up to go to the basement, but I fell asleep again! She had to come back and drag me downstairs. Luckily it was just a siren and no tornado.

    I don't think I had "stay up until 5 am" sleep overs until I was in high school or college though. :)

  3. Just to clarify -- quiet hours start at 11, but stay up as late as you want! As long as you are quiet about it. could do any and all of those fun things instead of playing Minecraft. Tough choices. There are only so many hours in a day.
